Congo Infra


Congo Infra is an Infrastructure Developer based in Democratic Republic of Congo. On one hand, its first objective is to exploit Hydro power potential in DRC and the neighbouring countries to achieve both a sustainable and an economic development. In parallel, Congoinfra has been focusing on its second objective: to develop infrastructures in DRC to accompany the country in its economic growth.

Hydro power Focus:
There are a numerous different hydropower technologies and all of them produce electricity using the force of moving water, be it from waves, tides, river flows or impounded reservoirs. Most commonly associated with the term are dams, which store water behind a generating facility and harnesses its power through one of many different types of turbines. This type of conventional hydropower project represents the vast majority of hydropower generation.

Congo Infra and the DRC hydropower industry will focus on projects that maximize the benefits of our existing infrastructure, such as adding new, more efficient generating equipment to existing facilities.

Area of Expertise

Our foundation lies in our core values

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